Skippy’s Tale and Mathilda’s Tale

At present I am writing and illustrating two books based on Cat stories (see Cats’ Tales page and Home Page blog (Cats’ Tales, Preview March 14th 2013, March 15th-23rd).
Skippy’s Tale is currently in development and recounts the story of how a stray cat came to live with a family, had kittens, and how she unexpectedly lost them one fateful winter.
A line from this reads:
‘After a week or so they emerged, a black and white, a jet black, and a marmalade kitten, playfully running about, Skippy proud as punch. It was all Skippy could do to keep them out of trouble – away from the Front Road, or the neighbours’ Dog, Jasper.’

This is a preliminary page, and provides an idea of the type of approach I will take.

Skippy's Tale - Jasper, excerpt from book in development
Skippy’s Tale – Jasper,
excerpt from book in development









Mathilda & the Beligerent Blackbird tells of how a persistent Blackbird ruined an Askeaton Cat’s summer and the aftermath.

Mathilda & the Beligerent Blackbird, pen, 2013
Mathilda & the Beligerent Blackbird, pen, 2013