I regretfully have to report the passing of my good friend, and frequent Muse, (Old) Squealer. She is survived by her two daughters, Mandy & Mindy (pictured below her), and more than likely, other felines I am unaware of.
She lived to a good old age of 13, and it gives me no small comfort to say that she had a fairly good existence, particularly from when we officially began to associate i.e. when she overcame her natural feral instincts to become friends.
She was a particularly majestic cat – an imperious mane growing in the winter time. Though of a small stature, her paws were very large, and needles(s) to say, she was fond of sticking her claws in to a leg on frequent occasions.
As can be seen from both the photo and painting above, Ol’ Squeal had her own blue cushion. As a very wild cat, providing her with a seat solely for her own use – with the back door open of course – was my way of giving her the confidence to sit awhile. Within a year or two, she was confident enough to sleep indoors. In fact, she wasn’t too fond of going out a lot of the time, and the cushion came in handy to ease her out, without the scrawb and numerous hisses!
Indeed, like all wild cats, she was pretty skittish, particularly with visitors to my home. With three cats of this mind, once one cat runs the others duly follow. She did mellow over the years, and would happily sit beside myself and select guests- well, one, Aunty Belle. She was also very fond of her Uncle Paul, who would look after the house and the cats while I was away, and was very happy to have her fluffy belly rubbed by him also, while rolling around. She was also fond of times when her Uncle Seán would stay and indulge her, though a bit freaked by his height!
Not a few tears have been shed over my old friend, and I miss not having her interruptions post-shower, or indeed anything bathroom related as Paul will attest! No more squeals will be heard, but she will be fondly remembered.
Special thanks to all our friends who provided for her when I wasn’t around, Rose, Paul, Hugo, Mary & Rina, Ciarán and Declan.
An especial thanks to John and staff at Treaty Veterinary, who were kind and sympathetic to us both, when Old Squeal’ went on her last journey, and her final sleep.
Tá súil agam go bhfuil áthas ort i do plás speisialta a Squealín!
Coladh sámh xxxxxxxxx.